Our process is quite simple.
1. Get acquainted
If interested, let’s schedule a phone call (click the button below) to discuss your needs or concerns.
2. Gain Insights
If we agree that our services match your needs, let’s set another 60- to 90-minute meeting with key decision-makers where we ask questions and listen carefully.
Here, we’re trying to determine your actual needs and other details that will allow us to identify better how we can help. This time is a learning process for us and time well spent. This approach reveals numerous perspectives.
First, we need to understand your specifics: your unique situation, your organization, your current customers, your target audiences and your desired outcomes.
Once all the information is gathered, we’ll do our research, delving deeper. We will then develop our recommendations for achieving your desired goal(s)
3. Our Recommendations
During this meeting, we will revisit the items you indicated were on your needs or wants list and other items revealed during our research. As we share our recommendations, sometimes our clients discover new and unexpected things, too. We can develop a more complete solution based on the recommendations presented if you’d like.
4. Next Step
We will develop a more in-depth solution to meet your needs and your requested wants.
Once completed, we’ll review the proposed scope of work and discuss what we believe can be accomplished. We’ll answer any questions regarding the project and our estimate.
A final solution presentation will be available to you. We’d be happy to work with you to jointly implement some or all with you, your management team, staff or your board of directors.
When we serve as a consultant, we welcome the opportunity to gate-keep the project on your behalf, meeting with you regularly to review completed benchmarks. See the services page for details.