In this post: we address website speed, website bounce rates, mobile phone website speed, lost revenue, website analytics, image and video compression, image and video optimization, improved search engine optimization (SEO) ranking, load times.
Test your website speed on a regular basis. Go ahead. Take out your smartphone and see how long it takes for your company’s website to open. According to Google, as page load time increases so does a website’s bounce rate. When it takes from one to 10 seconds for a page to open, the probability of a mobile website visitor bouncing away increases by 123%.
Google defines bounce rate ” … when a user opens a single page on your website and then exits without triggering any other requests … ” The bounce rate is important to those who monitor a website’s analytics or statistics. This information is crucial to those looking to ensure that a website is taking advantage of every engagement opportunity and performing well.
If you are hoping to drive visitors to your website and ultimately to your business to buy your products and services – be it a brewery, museum, sightseeing tour, zoo, dinner cruise, outdoor activity, festival, etc. – while someone is traveling and the mobile version of your website isn’t optimized, they are gone. Those people have moved on. You missed out on a sale and you lost revenue.
Reviewing your website when it launched on a variety of devices was key to making sure the load time was at peak performance at that time. Continue to routinely check your website against the analytics. And ask your web vendor to include that as part of your care and maintenance service, making adjustments, if and as needed.
Some days I think our Flying Compass web development team is a bit obsessed over page size, the number of elements on a page and speed test results. One thing is for sure. They know and understand that every second counts when it comes to engagement. Capturing a customer when they are in the buying stage is key to driving a guest to your front door.
While we encourage the use of dynamic images and videos, it’s also important they not bog down the load time. WordPress plugins can help compress and optimize websites. Plus Google rewards sites with quick load times with improved search engine optimization (SEO) rankings.
To learn how Flying Compass can help improve your website’s load times and keep customers heading your way, driving revenue and profits, contact us today.